Life Coach vs. Therapist: Which Is Right for You?


Benefits of a Therapist

A therapist is an individual trained in counseling practices designed to get to the root of emotional difficulties. Sessions with a therapist consist of sitting in a private room while the therapist asks probing questions and reflects back what is being said. A therapist is worthwhile for working through difficult emotional states and uncovering and processing past trauma.


Benefits of a Life Coach

A life coach is an individual whose life experience and training allows him or her to actualize meaningful change in clients. Life coaches take a holistic approach to working with clients so that their physical, emotional, spiritual, and career needs are met. Life coaching can be done remotely or in person and sessions can be weekly or more often. Working with a life coach doesn’t include the restrictions of working with a therapist such as hard time limits and working in only one modality (talk therapy).

A life coach is trained to work with you on accomplishing goals in career, fitness, relationships, and overall life fulfillment. If this full service approach sounds more helpful, life coaches such as those at Texture Coaching may be exactly what you need to make your dreams reality.


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