Who Are You, Really?

Become who you are. Do what only you can do. Be the master and the sculptor of yourself.

Friedrich Nietzsche


"Become who you are." The statement rings of paradox. "I am who I am," you might say, "How can I become what I already am?"

It's a logical question, but the space we are entering is beyond mere logic. We are entering the realm of your highest self, which exists in a liminal space, like dreaming or beauty or essence. If you sit with the concept of becoming who you are, you can begin to peel back the layers and go deeply into what it's suggesting.

Think of your daily life. Think of the unthinking things you do every day — maybe scrolling your phone, autoplaying videos, eating without savoring, speaking uncompassionately to your partner or children. Is this who you are? In these circumstances, is this the true you?

Your highest self is your true self. Carl Jung called this true self 'the Self' (with a capital 's'). Integrating with the Self is the ultimate goal of the process of what he termed 'individuation'. This is the process of becoming who you are, becoming who only you can be, becoming the version of yourself that has fully integrated all of the disparate parts into one sacred unity. This is the path you have chosen. This is why you are here.

Calling your highest self into existence is the task life asks of you. It does not ask you to be perfect, nor to progress in a linear way. A human life is irreducibly complex, and every moment of existence presents a new decision point. What the task of individuation asks of you is to say 'yes' to life at each and every moment, and to make the decision to embody your highest self with every move you make.

Think of who you would be if you were an unrestricted sculptor of yourself. If you treated yourself with compassion. If you believed completely in your capability. If you knew how severely the world needed the gift that only you can give.

You know who you are, deep down. It is why when you do things counter to your true self's purpose you feel badly. Because you know who you are, you know who you need to become. The world needs your highest self, and you need nothing less.

The time is now. We must take seriously the task before us. There is no more time to waste. The world needs us. Our families need us. Our communities need us. We must become integrated and do what only we can do. No one else will do it for us.


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